All things inspirational that motivate us all to be better.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where's the line to see Jesus?

A friend showed this to me and it really changed my attitude and brought me back into the right way of thinking about this season. I have 2 kids that remind my wife and I if we forget to say family prayer every night.

Children truly are angels sent here to teach us adults. Enjoy this video and this Christmas season.

Please leave comments.


terrance said...

Im not a relgious person but I believe my kids are some of the wisest people I know. Their innocence and ability to ask me question about subjects that most adults either can't or won't discuss; because of a pre-conceived or prejudice mindset. You, gotta love them.

Anonymous said...

The line starts in your heart,just ask Christ to come in and he will.

Anonymous said...

It is pretty touching song. And it is wonderful time when most of people open their hearts. The video too much follows the words. I would edit it a little adding more happy faces with presents and opened look of children. some slide show and slow motions. In total I see that someone spent a lot of time to work on this video to make others feel themselves in the Christmas with good result.
Thank you for Christmas spirit.

Deanna Carlisle said...

WOW! This is the best song I have heard this year.....says it all....Thanks so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

Thank you for this beautiful reminder of why we celebrate Christmas. I needed this and I was immensely blessed.